lime plant câu
Two of those Russian waters, please. No lime wedges, just cucumber.Hai nước khoáng Nga Đừng cho chanh nhé, chỉ dưa leo thôi. Vodka and...

in plant
In plant sources, it is known as beta-carotene.Trong các nguồn thực vật, nó được gọi là beta-carotene . Some possibilities of conducti...

I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing.Tôi lớn lên trong một gia đình trồng trọt nhiều loại Professor Scott, ...

So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd [i.e. of the vine, of the plant].Ngöôøi saùng suoát nhö coâ thì khoâng phaûi noùi nhieàu. Plan...

agricultural lime
Finely ground agricultural lime is often applied to acid soils to increase soil pH (liming).Vôi nông nghiệp nghiền mịn thường được áp d...

burnt lime
The floors are made of burnt lime, and there is a low bench running along the whole of the exterior wall.Sàn được làm bằng đá mài (đá v...

caustic lime
She was blinded by the caustic lime that was thrown onto prisoners as a disciplinary measure.Bà đã bị mù do vôi ăn da đã được ném vào t...

chlorinated lime
He instituted a policy of using a solution of chlorinated lime (calcium hypochlorite) for washing hands between autopsy work and the ex...

cream lime
If you’re a cocktail lover, try the Airavata (US$12), a refreshing mix of rum, Malibu, banana cream, lime juice, sugar syrup and coconu...

dolomite lime
If you see that the level of pH is less than 6, then you will need to add dolomite lime to the soil to increase the level of pH.Nếu độ ...

dolomitic lime
In some states, it must contain at least 6 percent Mg to be classified as dolomitic lime.Ở một số bang, nó phải chứa ít nhất 6% Mg được...

hydrated lime
General Expansion of Dry Hydrated Lime by the Le Chatelier MethodSự giãn nở của Vôi hydrat bằng phương pháp Le Chatelier Quicklime, hy...

industrial lime
Although limestone deposits are found in every state, only a smaller portion is pure enough for industrial lime manufacturing.Mặc dù mỏ...

kaffir lime
2 kaffir lime leaves (if you have them), slightly crushedA few kaffir lime leaves, optional (vài cái lá chanh, nếu có) 2 kaffir lime le...

key lime
So I'll be right back with an extra-large slice of key lime pie for my orchid expert.tôi sẽ mang bánh lại cho chuyên gia hoa lan của tô...

lime binder
Even when combined with the lime binder, the overall product takes more CO2 out of the atmosphere than it puts into it.Ngay cả khi kết ...

lime dust
Under the action of high temperatures, it quickly collapses, and with steam, lime dust gets into the air, which accumulates not only on...

lime industry
During the period of economic development of Vietnam next, lime industry is a vital product, important, support for the development of ...

lime kiln
You should also make a point of visiting the Lime Kiln Point State Park Interpretative Center.Đọc đánh giá về Lime Kiln Point State Par...

lime mortar
A lime mortar joined the bricks together.mortar knits bricks together vừa kết chặt các hòn gạch lại với nhau Lime mortar is generally ...

lime mud
For this reason it is believed that most dolomite form when lime mud or limestone are modified by post depositional chemical change.Vì ...

lime oil
I believe the head cord contains lime oil.Tôi nghĩ là cung mùi đầu có chứa tinh dầu chanh. Lime oil, yes indeed.Tinh dầu chanh, phải, ...

lime pit
All babies born of these illicit encounters, Monk claimed, were baptized before being strangled and dumped in a lime pit in the basemen...

lime powder
preparation process equipment lime powder of 800 meshQuá Trình Chuẩn Bị Thiết Bị Lime Powder 800 Mesh preparation process equipment lim...

lime quarry
On the island, he and other prisoners were subjected to hard labor in a lime quarry.Ở trên đảo, ông và các tù nhân khác phải lao động k...